KFT Virtual Family

Connect, engage, no matter where you are.
The virtual church experience is to connect Kingdom Full Tabernacle International Ministries members from all over the world as one body through online streaming. Each week we broadcast our service experiences to thousands of people around the world. Wherever you find yourself in life, we want to be a place you can depend on for receiving inspiration, encouragement, and support.
Becoming A Virtual Member
The membership of this ministry is for individuals who are fully committed to Kingdom Full Tabernacle International Ministries but are unable to physically be present at our church location on a regular basis. This means you don’t have any other church home. If you are a virtual member of Kingdom Full Tabernacle, you are responsible for upholding the Mission and Vision of the Ministry. We are a Bible believing church that maintains Kingdom principles at all times.
You must pay tithe to Kingdom Full Tabernacle International Ministries as a virtual member. Once your form has been completed, you will be assigned a tithe number. Tithes can be paid via our giving options. Tithe numbers should be included at all times when tithe payment is remitted.
If your contact information needs to be updated, please notify us immediately by emailing virtualmembers@kftchurch.com.